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Kata is a Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements usually practiced solo. Karate kata are executed as a specified series of a variety of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form.
A more simplified definition of kata is: A series of offensive and defensive techniques practiced against one or more imaginary opponents. Without kata karate would just be street fighting.
Kata is used to develop stepping, form, speed, power, balance an focus. The practice of kata improves all facets of the art of karate including, form, self defense and sparring.
When kata is taught live in the dojo the student is shown only a few steps or techniques at a time. The student then practices what he/she is taught and then demonstrates the moves for his/her instructor. This process might take weeks or longer. If things are progressing correctly, the moves are correct and the form is decent, more of the kata is taught.
Since we are video training in this program it is suggested that you follow the following guidelines when learning each kata:
1. Take your time. Do each move slowly, stopping to check for proper form after each move. If possible practice in front of a mirror or have someone video tape your progress.
2. Work on only a small portion of the form at a time, only progressing when you feel your form is right.
3. Continue doing the moves slowly, checking your stances, hand positioning and correct placement of your punches, kicks and blocks.
4. Work the kata slowly until you have all the moves comfortably down with good form. Only then should you speed up and start to add power to all your moves. As far as speed is concerned, we include a full speed (really normal speed) version for you to see the proper speed the kata should be performed at.
Brown-White Belt Curriculum -1
Brown-White Belt Curriculum -1
Congratulations! If you have gotten this far you should be ready to test for your Brown belt. Please review the testing requirements for this level below. We have provided a download button to a PDF file with all the belt requirements for your convenience as you may prefer to print out the document.
Additional Kata Review
At this level we will require you to perform the following katas in addition to your test kata.
Pinan Shodan
​Please scroll to Testing Procedure instructions below.
The Basics - The Foundation of Karate
Mastering the basics is the most important first step in learning karate. If the basics are correct, everything you build upon them will be correct. If the basics are poor it is impossible to develop into an excellent karate-ka.
You can liken it to building a house or building. The foundation must be level and plumb. If not, as the building is developed it will be lopsided and unstable. The higher it goes the worse the problem becomes.
If your karate form is poor, it becomes very difficult for you to progress to the higher ranks. Proper form and technique is required to perform excellent kata (traditional forms), execute effective self defense and the ability to properly carry out successful sparring techniques.
It's important for you to take your time learning and practicing what follows in this introductory program. Review all videos several times at least as you follow along and start perfecting the stances, techniques and moves.
As you progress I will guide you on how fast you should be moving ahead. There are some things in life that slower in the beginning is faster and more effective in the long run. Karate is one of them.
Mastering The Basics
Formal Stances
Training Stances
Ready to progress to our full program where you can earn your belts?
If so, click here for our pricing plans.
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