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Black Belt Home Training


Free Introductory Program Makes Learning Karate at Home Easy and Enjoyable...

My name is Hanshi Michael Pace and I have been studying and teaching karate for over 50 years. I have recently sold my martial arts school but would like to share my knowledge via the Internet with people like you.
My program teaches you all facets of karate training including the basics, drills, kata (forms), self-defense and sparring.
Free Yellow Belt Training Program
Most novices really don't know what is good quality karate and what is not. The same goes for the self defense aspect of your training.
I have checked out some of the online karate training programs and here is what I have found. Some were decent but have a very limited curriculum (for example, no or very impractical self-defense, no sparring techniques, etc.)
Others were just plain poor. Some used so much Japanese or Korean terminology that they are very hard to follow the instructor's teachings. â€‹Training should be enjoyable.
Finally, An Easy Way To Learn Karate From Your Home That's Affordable and Convenient!
I have put together a program that contains everything you need to learn a traditional karate system from a 10 th degree black belt, 50 plus year veteran. We include all facets of karate training and no fluff.
One of the many reasons most adults never start (or continue) with their training is the time factor. They just aren't able to get to classes regularly and end up quitting or not even committing in the first place. With our program you can practice on your own schedule, in as little as 20-30 minutes a week and break it down into as many sessions as you need.
But don't take my word for it. Try it FREE. Simply put your full name and email in the form below and we will whisk you off to the training center.
Hanshi Pace is very skilled and knowledgeable martial artist and yet he is still very humble. It was over 20 years ago that I decided to start to training with him and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Shihan Gene Rega

Chief Instructor Pace Institute of Karate

Shichidan 7th Dan 七段

I met Hanshi Pace over 30 years ago as a young black belt fresh out of the military.  He developed and mentored me into the martial artist and made a huge impact on my personal life and success.  I am his ranking student now as a 9th degree black belt.  His leadership,  guidance and friendship has given me an avenue to success and happiness in both personal and professional life and business.   I support any endeavor he approaches. 

Shihan Jim Peterson 
9th degree black belt 
Goshin Ryu Karate 
Hanshi Pace is incredibly wise and knowledgeable. The things I learned from him would not have been taught to me in school or anywhere else. It has been an amazing 14 years with Hanshi Pace, and I could not be more grateful to him. 
Sensei Melissa Wilson
2nd Degree Black Belt

I have known Hanshi Mike Pace since 1990. At that time i was training at another Martial Art school, and was not really happy. I started at Hanshi's school  i have been a student of his ever since. I earned my black belt under him and i currently hold an 8th Degree Black Belt in the Goshin Ryu System. 
Hanshi Pace has not only been a mentor, teacher but also a father figure to me since we met in 1990. He took me under his wing after i achieved my black belt and I become an instructor at his dojo, He has taught me everything i know today. Without his guidance and leadership through the years i would have never been able to open my own Martial Art school, which i did in 1998. 
I would highly recommend Hanshi Pace. He is the real deal.....I am living proof......


    Shihan Timothy Joseph

“Hanshi Michael Pace promoted me to Black Belt in December 2005.  He has been an inspiration and devoted mentor to me during my 12 years as a Martial Arts Sensei.  Hanshi Pace exemplifies a true Leader, Professional and Friend to all of us that follows his teachings.” 
Sensei John Acock
Hanshi Pace is an excellent martial artist. He is skilled in kata, sparring, self-defense and the use of a wide range of karate weapons.  In addition to his personal skills, Hanchi Pace is an accomplished instructor, having developed and promoted an impressive group of black belts.  He also has an extensive knowledge of karate history.
Sensei John McCarthy
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